Saturday, December 31, 2011


an in-between year; leading me into the great, unknown happenings that have yet to come/

photo adventures:

down by the creek, shooting "anemonic do I stay":

a house near my school:

trees at another house near my school; it looked so magical:

another house; I took this quickly as I was talking to my mother while walking home:

Bryant Park in NYC:

trees in NYC:

my family and I went on a 6 mile hike in a park near our town:

on the edge (literally):

planning my photo book by taping photos on my wall (on the left):

christmas present from my sister:

more photo adventures:

I don't have a lot of photos of my favorite moments, but I think these photos sum up a lot of my year (seems a bit boring though hah). I hope next year is even more lovely.

Also a video of 2011 as well:

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